I feel like I dodged a bullet. Yesterday's movie outing led to quite a bit of snacking a few chips, some smarties, a fruit roll up, chocolate, a handful of trail mix....Bob would be very disapointed. I tried not to let it get out of hand, and luckily by the grace of God I did not gain. I did not lose either but I will take it none the less.
I know Ive been doing a lot of cheating so far. To say I was completely committed would be a lie. I am blaming it on my lady days. I know that excuse won't last but hey, I do feel more in control then I have in the last month and that is a step in the right direction.
I am lucky to have a partner on this journey, my brothers girlfriend, Jen. If you are reading this Jen, thanks for the positive comments and pep talk.... I am glad to have someone who feels my (hunger) pain.
Well, I'm off to bed. Tomorrow will be difficult, dinner with a friend. Yikes!